Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Yesterday's Doctor's Appointment

All is well...everything normal. Nothing really new to report, my belly just gets bigger. I felt my leg slip out of joint last night, I wasn't even doing anything, I just got up from sitting on the couch and I felt it go. David and I tried to get it back into place but I think I'm too big for that to work. I do sit on my yoga ball now as opposed to chairs that are too tall for me to sit on while I'm at the table, that seems to help. But I can still feel the sciatica working against me. It hasn't made me start limping yet like in January, I'll just have to watch it. Silly nerves...always got to bring on the drama. :)

1 comment:

Chelly64 said...

Hi Jenny & David;

Soon Princess Holiday will be here. Maybe sooner than later. I bet she is going to come on April 8