Friday, July 31, 2009

Big Time Laughter

David and I were playing a board game last night and I had Holly on my lap and she let out the biggest string of laughing ever. She threw her head back and everything. This was the rolling around on the floor kind of laughing. The first one sounded like a straw through a plastic lid on your typical fountain drink kind of sound. I couldn't figure out what was so funny to her and David thinks it was because the fan blew on her and she liked it. But then we were laughing and that made her laugh even more so we were all laughing for a couple minutes. A little later I got her to laugh again. On both occasions she got the hiccups...she's still working out the kinks. :)


Jennifer J. said...

Nothing on earth is more wonderful than babies laughing. I bet that was a cute sceen. I wish I could have seen it. Hope you guys have a great weekend.

gramlinda said...

Baby laughter is the best! Thank you so much for the new photos. They are darling and I will have them made into photographs at Rite-Aid. Love, Grandma Linda