Thursday, July 30, 2009

Weathering the weather

So we're still surviving the hideous heat. 90 degrees makes me cranky, over 100 degrees and I kind of want to cry. (I'm exaggerating). We actually planned our dinners this week that there wasn't going to be much use of the oven and stove top so as not to make it any hotter in the house. Last night David came home with bread, cheese and meat. It's a perfect dinner when it's 103 degrees outside with full humidity. Holly does all right most of the day. From about 5-11pm she's a handful anyways, but with the heat crankiness increases. It's not too bad because we are all still getting sleep. Her level of activity seems to be higher now too. She swings her arms around and kicks a lot, it looks like she's running in place laying on her back. One of these days she just going to stand up and run around all over the place. :) Holly really likes to be held, but she's a little heater so she gets all sweaty with skin to skin contact. Heat really brings out the pungency of milk smell too. Tomorrow we're planning on going to an outdoor concert at the mural stage at Seattle Center. We've recently purchased some special earmuffs for Holly to protect her hearing, they're pretty cute. I'm sure will have pictures following the event.

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