Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ceiling Fan Gazing

Mommy and Holiday ceiling fan gazing (they're amazingly fun).

We also like the 'stick out the tongue' game.

Our whole family rode the new light rail on Saturday stroller and all. It's more comfortable than riding the bus and costs the same. We'll probably use it for weekend outings to downtown. The funniest part was when we came out of the Beacon Hill tunnel into the Sodo area and everyone went "oooooohhh" like it was magical. Trust me...Sodo isn't very magical. For me that made up for the long line in the hot sun. I'll be riding it on the way home tonight after the massage that David got me for my birthday so I'll get to see what it's like during regular commuting hours. I'm way more excited about the massage than the ride home in the light rail.

I think I need to start packing away some of the 0-3 months clothes, they're suddenly getting small. It seems like Holly's clothes are like mine, where I might be one size at a certain store and a different size somewhere else. So some of her 0-3 months will fit her for a while and some won't. Weird...and it makes it harder to judge how many outfits we need of any particular size. Our policy of not buying anything until we need it works just fine so we don't get too ahead of ourselves.

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