Thursday, July 9, 2009

Holly's New Learnings

Sable and Holly

It's amazing how much Holly has figured out how to do lately. As of last week she didn't baby talk that much, then on Monday she just flipped the switch and chats quite a bit now. Quite often when we get her up in the morning her diaper is dry. She'll go during her first feeding of the day. She immediately becomes agitated with a dirty diaper...maybe she'll be easier to potty train. I think she's allegric to pollen, Holly gets sneezy and we have to use the snot sucker a lot. She pretty much hates that too. Holiday's bound to have some allergies with her mommy and daddy having several of their own. We're finding that she likes to sit in several different ways, and she'll get bored sitting or laying down the same way all the time. She'll cry until you find the right combination, the trick is not to give up. She fell asleep on my knee facing outward last night. You wouldn't think that would be comfortable but I guess you'd be surprised. She's starting to grab at toys now, she's been grabbing at her blankets and clothes for quite some time now. Holly has terrific dexterity of the hands and fingers. Maybe I should try to teach her baby sign language since she's starting to mimic.


Jennifer J. said...

The sign language can be very helpful. We focused on a couple. "Hungry", and "sleepy" (which they never admit). You guys are doing such a great job. I am sure she will be a very cool genius. She is already the most adorable little girl I have seen. Laters.

Keri Hills said...

I see a Stacy picture! cute stuff!

gramlinda said...

I'm so glad you started updating babyblog again! Was there ever a more beautiful smile? Holiday seems very interested in her friend(older by one week), Sable. She also seems gifted to me, but then I admit to some bias. Take care of yourselves. Love, Grandma Linda