Saturday, January 30, 2010

Holiday is feeling better

She was all smiles, baby-talk and playtime today. Holly didn't want naptime today though, she just wanted to play. So when bedtime rolled around, she was O-U-T. I've caught her cold now. Mostly it's just a sore throat, feeling tired from lack of sleep actually feels worse than the cold. I'm hoping David doesn't get it as the Seattle Boat Show is in full swing and his place of business is always crazy busy whether you're at the show or at the shop. On a happier note, Holly said "Kitty" again today and she's pretty good at clapping her hands now. She's on the brink of either crawling or standing up to walk. Holiday does pretty well at scootching on her bottom to where she needs to go.

p.s. I thought polka-dots was a nice change. :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Holly's got a cold

Poor baby...probably picked it up at the aquarium, there were a ton of kids there. Holly's been doing a lot of scream crying, this morning she gave me a two hour timeslot of it. I'm glad she's finally taking her nap, all that crying wears me out. I really do think it's just a minor cold, she just doesn't react well to being sick. I guess the positive reality of it is that she's starting to build her immunity against viruses.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Holly's first trip to the Seattle Aquarium

We went to the Seattle Aquarium last Saturday. At first Holly didn't seem to be interested in any of the exhibits, she just wanted to watch all the little kids run around while munching on her "baby" cheetos. Once we passed the touch pool area she seemed to notice the tanks and the fish. I think Holiday's favorite part was the underwater dome. I think she was more excited about banging her hands on the glass than the fish inside. The first three links are of the aquarium, the other two are just cute.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

9 month doctor's check up

Holly's weight is 45th percentile at 18 lbs 8.5 oz and height is 31st percentile at 27 inches. She's got a little flat spot so she's in the 90-something percentile for her head (I can't remember the exact number). The doctor was really hesitant telling us that and kind of wanted to take it back after she said it because it's so minor and will probably work itself out. Nowadays the only time Holly spends laying down is naptime, bedtime and the 2 minute bursts where one of us runs to get the bottle ready. So we're not concerned about that. The doctor said we were doing great with feedings and just suggested we start giving her water at mealtimes. Constipation happens, but since we started giving her yogurt that's all improved. But otherwise we don't need to change any strategies since she's developing great. We'll keep on trying out new foods on her, we haven't noticed any allergies thus far. Holly can do some assisted walking now. It's really cute when David walks her around the room. She's still trying to sit up from laying down on her own. Holly's pulling up to standing all the time now, mostly by grabbing onto our clothes. She's also trying to crawl now. Hasn't quite figured that one out yet.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Holiday's 9 months old (Tomorrow)

Man, oh man...I think she's teething again. Her drool machine is on again and Holly is shoving her whole hand in her mouth, I'm wondering if there's teeth warming up further back. Poor baby. Lately Holly's taking to screaming for joy and happiness (as well as unhappiness but mostly happiness). It's pretty funny and it makes my ears ring a little. Little girl has great lung capacity. :) It's been so dry that I've been putting chapstick on her lips. When I do she opens her mouth like a baby bird so I can apply the chapstick with ease. She's such a lady. I need to go through her clothes again since she's starting to grow out of the 9 months sized stuff and see how much of the 12 months she has. Holiday has her 9 month check up on Monday but I still think she's around 50% on the growth charts. Which means she won't have trouble like I do finding clothes that fit when she grows up.

Friday, January 8, 2010


So we dropped the crib a level so if Holly stands up in there, the top edge will be up to her chin (and I can still pick her up with her laying down). With all the standing that she's doing we're starting to think about babyproofing the house. When she starts walking we'll probably need to keep the bathroom and bedroom doors closed (we can install latches easy enough when she figures out how to turn doorknobs). We might need a baby gate for the kitchen, we'll see how she does. We're also thinking about getting doors for our bookshelves since we wouldn't want her to destroy any of our books and games if we can help it. David going to double check that our shelves are attached to the walls so they can't knock over.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Developments

Holly can pull herself up to standing now. She tries to sit up while I'm changing her diaper. She's a very independent child. Daddy was so excited about the pull up to standing that he practiced walking with her. She takes a couple steps on her own, but it's still mostly us that gets her walking. :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

A perfect storm... we are again...teething. This one's been really rough though since Holly seems to be going through sleep pattern changes as well as feeding changes. It's a perfect storm as I said before. We're shortening her nap times and giving her more solid food since she just doesn't want the bottle like she used to. We've been giving her rice husks (which looks like one giant flat rice krispy) and cheerios. She had some bits of toast going out to breakfast. She's been showing interest in holding the spoon herself (although she hasn't figured out how to use it yet). Holly rolls over like a champ now, she's currently working on how to sit up from laying on her back. She still gets a lot of (assisted) practice standing up. As of last night she showed more interest in her "piggies". Of course, the run and hide game is her favorite by far with peek-a-boo (or as we call it..."Where's the baby?") as the runner-up.