Friday, January 8, 2010


So we dropped the crib a level so if Holly stands up in there, the top edge will be up to her chin (and I can still pick her up with her laying down). With all the standing that she's doing we're starting to think about babyproofing the house. When she starts walking we'll probably need to keep the bathroom and bedroom doors closed (we can install latches easy enough when she figures out how to turn doorknobs). We might need a baby gate for the kitchen, we'll see how she does. We're also thinking about getting doors for our bookshelves since we wouldn't want her to destroy any of our books and games if we can help it. David going to double check that our shelves are attached to the walls so they can't knock over.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

It sounds like you are being very proactive. I got a little (very) table and chair for my house so I'd have something if Holly comes to visit with her parents. Hector did a dump run with all the cardboard boxes we somehow accumulated. Take care, Grandma Linda