Wednesday, January 20, 2010

9 month doctor's check up

Holly's weight is 45th percentile at 18 lbs 8.5 oz and height is 31st percentile at 27 inches. She's got a little flat spot so she's in the 90-something percentile for her head (I can't remember the exact number). The doctor was really hesitant telling us that and kind of wanted to take it back after she said it because it's so minor and will probably work itself out. Nowadays the only time Holly spends laying down is naptime, bedtime and the 2 minute bursts where one of us runs to get the bottle ready. So we're not concerned about that. The doctor said we were doing great with feedings and just suggested we start giving her water at mealtimes. Constipation happens, but since we started giving her yogurt that's all improved. But otherwise we don't need to change any strategies since she's developing great. We'll keep on trying out new foods on her, we haven't noticed any allergies thus far. Holly can do some assisted walking now. It's really cute when David walks her around the room. She's still trying to sit up from laying down on her own. Holly's pulling up to standing all the time now, mostly by grabbing onto our clothes. She's also trying to crawl now. Hasn't quite figured that one out yet.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Holly is developing and growing very well. Don't worry about her flat spot, it's mostly cosmetic and will likely correct itself. I think she's a smart cookie! It's been very stormy here (kinda exciting). Tell David I visited his internet business site and thought it looked great. Love, Grandma Linda