Monday, January 4, 2010

A perfect storm... we are again...teething. This one's been really rough though since Holly seems to be going through sleep pattern changes as well as feeding changes. It's a perfect storm as I said before. We're shortening her nap times and giving her more solid food since she just doesn't want the bottle like she used to. We've been giving her rice husks (which looks like one giant flat rice krispy) and cheerios. She had some bits of toast going out to breakfast. She's been showing interest in holding the spoon herself (although she hasn't figured out how to use it yet). Holly rolls over like a champ now, she's currently working on how to sit up from laying on her back. She still gets a lot of (assisted) practice standing up. As of last night she showed more interest in her "piggies". Of course, the run and hide game is her favorite by far with peek-a-boo (or as we call it..."Where's the baby?") as the runner-up.

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