Friday, May 21, 2010


David had to lower the mattress level in Holly's crib all the way to the bottom last night. Holly's been sitting up and even standing in there throwing everything within reach. So we don't want her getting out and falling on her head. Holly's lower right molar came in two days ago without too much chaos. I wonder if all the teething has messed with her sleep routine. The last couple of nights she hasn't wanted to go to bed, just wanted to play. Yesterday I laid her down for her morning nap and she just played in there for an hour. So I picked her up and she fell asleep on my lap within 5 minutes so I laid her back down and she slept for two hours, but then she didn't want her afternoon nap that day. But I think all this sleep rebellion is catching up with her. This morning she seemed really sleepy when she woke up and didn't get quite to the peak of her playful self before falling asleep on my lap again after two hours. Didn't even need a bottle.

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