Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pictures of our Wasco trip and 12 month check up

Mommy and Holiday in Weed, CA...our halfway point to Wasco.

Grandma Linda and Holiday with her new table and chair set.

Holly really likes it. It's just her size.

Grandma Linda and Holly.

Daddy and Holly with her new lego set from Grandma Linda.

Holly's first Birthday with pretty pink cupcakes.

Grandma Linda and Holly.

Holly likes full length mirrors.

The hotel rooms had lots of space for Holly to roam around in.

Holly is in to her mimic stage.

Baby in the mirror!

Holly's first snow with Daddy while in Weed on our way home.
We had Holly's 12 month check up yesterday and mine too. Holly's doing just fine. She weighs 21 pounds and is 29 inches tall so she's almost big enough to upgrade to a bigger carseat. We have one ready when she's big enough. That's 43% for weight and 39% for height. Her flat spot on her head is diminshing so no concern there. She still doesn't have any allergies as far as we can tell. Our doctor is happy about how great she's developing...she's hitting all her milestones. Our doctor was also impressed with how great David and I are doing taking care of ourselves as well since we've been hitting the workouts pretty hard and losing weight and getting healthier. She said she was going to use us as examples to her other patients (not by name of course). Holly REALLY REALLY REALLY hated getting shots this time. It was like the worst she's ever cried multiplied by 10. That one got to me a little. Fortunately she fell asleep on our way home. Holly is beginning to climb on stuff now too. She's just about due to get a haircut or at least trim her bangs because her hair's getting in her eyes. We're starting to wean her off of formula and bottles at the same time. Last week we replaced one her bottles with whole milk in a sippy cup each day. This week we're doing two bottles for two sippy cups a day. Success has been varied...we still try to get as much solid food in her as possible. The doctor said her current feeding situation is pretty typical so we just have to stick with it and let her be as independent and messy as she wants to be. I think it will work as long as we don't change too much too quickly.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Love Holly's first birthday videos!
Tell Drew he should pick up some extra cash doing children's library programs. I knew her checkup would be good because she was doing so well when she was in Wasco. Love, Grandma Linda