Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Eye of the Storm

Holly's feeling much better. She slept through the night last night. Thursday night was a total bear. She had her fever and woke up screaming 3 times. David stayed home on Friday because I was so tired I felt sick. Holly's doctor checked in with us on Friday and we're pretty much doing everything right with the pedilite and ibuprofen. She said she didn't have an infection since the ibuprofen worked while it was in her system and brought her fever down. It was just enough pain to cause a fever and vomiting. Her face even swelled up a little. Friday night her fever broke and I really think we owe it to the teething tablets Aunt Jannie gave us that cousin Ayden didn't need anymore. Thank God David remembered we had them. They're little homeopathic tablets of shear magic painlessness that takes the cry out of babies and lets them sleep. It reminded me of my vitamin B candies for morning sickness...worked like magic. I highly endorse both products. :) Be that as it may...there are other molars cooking and are nearly done. I really hope we don't have to go through all that again. The storm rages on...

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

We're so happy that Holly is better and you all can get more rest. Hopefully, the other molars won't be so traumatic - fingers crossed! Love, Grandma Linda