Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July

Well we all survived the road trip to Kettle Falls to see my family for the 4th of July. It was good to see everyone. Holly still wasn't feeling too well on the 3rd...she gave us the stinkeye for the last half of the ride there. Wouldn't smile for nobody, then she threw up 5 minutes away from our hotel. We almost made it. On the 4th itself though Holly felt much better and became her smiley self again and let people hold her and played in the yard. She didn't last till the fireworks, maybe next year. We came back home the morning of the 5th and Holly woke up coughing with a stuffed up nose. But it didn't seem nearly as bad as the teething stuff. Then last night I started coming down with the same cold. David's starting to feel it now too. As far as colds go I've had worse, but this one is sucking the life out of me, I have no energy. Holly seems to be faring better with it than I am. She's also trying to talk more like repeating when we say "Holiday" or "I love you". She's also improving in the walking department, it looks like it will be soon.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

I'm so sorry about "Sickness in Seattle" and hope you all feel better soon. A cold when it's hot out is truly awful. I'd love a video of Holly talking and walking (no pressure ha-ha). Love, Grandma Linda