Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pictures 'N Stuff

This is Holly in Portland.

Her serious look.

And her pretty smile.

Little smirkiness.

Before haircut...

...after haircut. The keys were meant as a distraction. I think daddy did a pretty good job.

Holly can take off her shoes. Velcro isn't much of a challenge though.

The basics of gaming. Holly will be a gamer too, it's inevitable.
Soooo...we all had dentist appointments last week. I wanted to make sure I stayed on top of all Holly's teeth. Holly just wanted to explore all the examination areas. Holly has 14 teeth now with her upper canines cutting through. She's walking like crazy, 'the pitter-patter of feet' is a highly accurate phrase. We're teaching her to hold our hands when we're walking outside of the house, just so she doesn't run off somewhere. But she's stubborn and likes to steer where we go, eventually we have to pick her up because she refuses to turn direction. It's funny how she can pick up quirks of mine when she hasn't even seen me do it. Last night Holly bit daddy on the shoulder...hard...there were teeth marks. Yeah, I did that when I was a little kid, I don't remember doing it though. There are many stories about that, it usually happened when I was excited and since Holly did it right when David got home and picked her up, I think she was just excited to see her daddy. It's probably going to take a couple years for her to grow out of that one, I apologize to everyone in advance.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Aw, a love bite! Daddy and you will have to watch out for that. All her clothes are cute, but her Fourth of July dress was darling. Take care of that little walker. Love, Grandma Linda