Monday, July 12, 2010

Hanging in there...

We're still sick...that's because we don't have colds we have upper respiratory infections so cold medicine is ineffective. Holly's fever wasn't too bad, mine got up to 101.5 at the time when it was 95 outside so that was lovely. We are feeling better but not back to our old selves just yet. We felt well enough to go to the milk carton derby at Green Lake on Saturday. I've never seen it before and it was pretty fun ... and it was free so that's a plus. The movie "Up" was a common theme throughout the milk carton rafts. We'll just need to remember Holly's swimsuit next time we go to Green Lake because she would have liked to play in the wading pool with all the other kids. But we did bust out her pool later in the day and she had fun splashing around with her toys. Holiday can say "Holiday" pretty good now and "Kitty", "Fish", and my personal favorite "Uh-oh". "I love you" is in progress and I believe I heard her first real attempt at "Mama". Of course "Hi" and "Dada" are no-brainers for her. Holly can go up and down stairs pretty good now. She goes up all on her own (with mama or daddy watching) and goes down holding someone's hand. She likes to hold our hands and walk around the house and the yard. But she's climbing all over the place so we're looking at the house with new babyproofing eyes.

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