Monday, July 19, 2010

Little Speed Walker

We're finally better, so I'm trying to get back to my workouts again and pick up on the yard work. Holly is picking up the pace on her walking, it's like fast little stomps all over the house. She'll be running soon. Holly is saying more real words now too, although it's hard to get her to do it on command. I have taught her that when I catch her picking up something she shouldn't or putting something in her mouth that I hold my hand out to her and say 'thank you' she puts whatever it is in my hand and says 'thank you'. It's much easier than prying open her jaws and digging it out in the teethie danger zone. We went to the Bite of Seattle this weekend. Besides Holly puking to and from it was a disappointment. Not because of high prices for food (which most people complain about) but because it was chaos. Bumbershoot has much more people in attendance and somehow has much more room to move around on the pathways. Perhaps it's not in the budget to plan for crowd control. The cover bands were fun though and Holly enjoyed playing in the grass and eating ice cream (which she later threw up). Holly gets carsick really easy, I did too as a kid. I still have it, it's just not as severe as it used to be. You can be a really good driver but as soon as you tap that brake it's all over. That's probably why Holly doesn't do it on the freeway but on side streets. Stop signs and lights are the enemy.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

I'm so glad you are feeling better. Even today curvy roads, stops and starts, and fumes from certain trucks and buses can make me feel ill. When I grew up and got to sit in the front seat I felt alot better. I never felt sick if I was the driver. I loved the videos. My favorites were the haircut and playing with paper. Love, Grandma Linda