Thursday, March 31, 2011

More Holly Pictures

Holly likes to color.

She's got all sorts of crayons.

That's the pee bucket part of her new potty that she's wearing as a hat ...never been used of course. Holly's funny expressions.

We just couldn't get her to stop doing it.

It was too much fun.

Let's see...pot roast, rice, corn and peas.

You can see what Holly likes to eat.

Jumping on the big bed.

Holiday's is gradually doing better with the whole daycare thing. Not as much crying. I'm starting to regain her affections. Not as clinging to Daddy. We have a ways to go yet. I'm getting used to working a full 40 hours a week again. It's been a long time, then I get home and am just mentally exhausted. Hopefully it won't take too much longer for me to adjust. Thinking that long and hard over the course of day kind of zaps the life out of you when you haven't done it for 2 1/2 years. Holly is getting better with her letters and numbers, so now we're trying to get colors and shapes in the mix. Nothing too complicated.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Late February Snow and other pics

Daddy pulling Holly in a 'sled'.

Holly really didn't like the sled. Here's Holly and Daddy making a snowman.

Holly and Mommy

Holly really liked the snowman's carrot nose.

Daddy's notebook computer dangerously lingers in the baby zone.

Holly's naturally attracted to it.

Holly on her new potty...crosses her legs at the ankles.

More potty time. She just likes to sit on it like a seat.

Daddy made a paper hat for Holly.

We're all still getting used to the new routine. It feels much more streamlined as far as getting ready in the mornings goes compared to how it was when I was breastfeeding. That was so much more work than I realized at the time. Mostly because it took me a half hour every time. I think even Holly will start looking forward to the weekends. Holly went on her first ferry ride this weekend and got to run all over the place and climb on the bench seating. She almost got her pigtails blown out of her hair when we went out front. She likes windy though.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Separation anxiety woes plus pictures

Holly's playing with her computer.
Very serious.

Family gathering at Grandma Claudia's house.

Holly and Ayden playing.
Holly cried a lot yesterday when David dropped her off. But she did eat a little and managed to take a nap along with playing with the other kids. She cried again when David picked her up, because she saw him outside and she couldn't get to him immediately. Today Holly started feeling separation anxiety at home before we left the house. She was really upset when David took a shower or put her down for any reason. She cooled out after we got going though. I'm just hoping she made it there without throwing up again. I guess we all have to get used to the new schedule.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Practice Day at Daycare Today

Today Holiday is going to her first day at daycare. It's going to be a half day though to get her used to the idea. She didn't seem to mind getting up a little earlier and getting dressed quicker than normal. As soon as we had her jacket on her she was ready to go. It's a daycare run by a gal who has been running daycares for 25 years. I'm meeting her later today when I pick Holly up. I have high hopes because anyone who has babysat Holly hasn't had a problem. My first day of work and Holly's first full day of daycare is on Monday. It looks like we should all be able to carpool together. I'm still going to work on getting my license since we'll be spending so much more time away from home that it just might come in handy.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Finally - Some Good News

I had a great interview this week, and I got the job. I'm supposed to start on March 21st (pending on the childcare situation). I'll be making what I made before. The company is JMN Consulting Engineers, a small structural engineering company and I'll be the lone drafter there. It's not smack in downtown, but it's close enough. I'll likely be carpooling with David anyway. So now the hunt is on for childcare.

I think David added some videos to the YouTube site. I added a link to Babylegs on my Favorite links list. There's some pretty cute stuff.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Yep...more pictures

How much does Holly like chocolate crepes?

A lot.

Family day at the Seattle Aquarium.

Daddy and Holly looking at starfish.

Then looking at diving gear.

Then at fishies.

And more fishies.

Then waterfowl.

Holly and Daddy on the waterfront.

Holly and Daddy on the waterfront carosel.

Blankie girl!

Holly's getting really good at her alphabet and numbers right now. Daddy was drawing random numbers and letters on her doodle-maker last night, and Holly knew quite a few of them, the surprising part was that she could do it out of order. Of course, Holly would rather play than do anything else, so when I was carrying her to her room to change her diaper she angrily recited 1 through 10 at me.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

More Pictures

Holly and Daddy cooking.

Holly and her sippy cup.

Playing with alphabet magnets.

Holly in the backyard.

Helping Mommy weed the flower beds.

Holly likes playing in dirt.

Great big handfuls of dirt.

I've also updated Holly's clothing list/size chart at the left on the blog. I've pulled some the clothes that are too small out of rotation and put all the 24 months/2T in. The new leggings are already tight on her so I would advise against leggings and skinny jeans in the future. Just not her body type, her mommy is the same way. The new booster seat is a success so the highchair has been demoted to the basement. We bought a potty for her and she's getting used to it. Mostly just using it as a seat right now, not a potty. She pushes it up to her desk and sits in it.