Monday, March 28, 2011

Late February Snow and other pics

Daddy pulling Holly in a 'sled'.

Holly really didn't like the sled. Here's Holly and Daddy making a snowman.

Holly and Mommy

Holly really liked the snowman's carrot nose.

Daddy's notebook computer dangerously lingers in the baby zone.

Holly's naturally attracted to it.

Holly on her new potty...crosses her legs at the ankles.

More potty time. She just likes to sit on it like a seat.

Daddy made a paper hat for Holly.

We're all still getting used to the new routine. It feels much more streamlined as far as getting ready in the mornings goes compared to how it was when I was breastfeeding. That was so much more work than I realized at the time. Mostly because it took me a half hour every time. I think even Holly will start looking forward to the weekends. Holly went on her first ferry ride this weekend and got to run all over the place and climb on the bench seating. She almost got her pigtails blown out of her hair when we went out front. She likes windy though.

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