Thursday, March 31, 2011

More Holly Pictures

Holly likes to color.

She's got all sorts of crayons.

That's the pee bucket part of her new potty that she's wearing as a hat ...never been used of course. Holly's funny expressions.

We just couldn't get her to stop doing it.

It was too much fun.

Let's see...pot roast, rice, corn and peas.

You can see what Holly likes to eat.

Jumping on the big bed.

Holiday's is gradually doing better with the whole daycare thing. Not as much crying. I'm starting to regain her affections. Not as clinging to Daddy. We have a ways to go yet. I'm getting used to working a full 40 hours a week again. It's been a long time, then I get home and am just mentally exhausted. Hopefully it won't take too much longer for me to adjust. Thinking that long and hard over the course of day kind of zaps the life out of you when you haven't done it for 2 1/2 years. Holly is getting better with her letters and numbers, so now we're trying to get colors and shapes in the mix. Nothing too complicated.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

What a funny sweetheart! I know that over time work will become more exciting than exhausting. I'm glad that Holly is not so daddy-clinging and is adjusting to daycare. I think she just needs time. Love, Grandma Linda