Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pre-party bugs

Holly was sick yesterday so I stayed home with her. David and I both feel a little sick too, but it's more like a sore throat, whereas Holly threw up before we even left the house and other stuff. Holly is feeling better today though, she made it in to daycare without incident. She was a little fussy this morning but I think she just wanted to stay home because she got to yesterday, she probably likes having the run of the place. I'm really hoping there isn't anymore sickness because her birthday party is this Saturday and I'm actually having a significant number of people showing up and that's rare for me. We went to Sable's birthday party last Saturday and Holly did alright. She was able to eat her lunch plus a little cake and ice cream. It's too bad the weather's been so cold because Holly really liked the blowing of bubbles on the front porch at Sable's and was upset when we brought her back inside. She cheered up when she discovered that Sable's room had toys, then she didn't want leave Sable's room.


Keri Hills said...

Holly was such a sweetheart! We wanted to blow more bubbles too.

gramlinda said...

For adults an aspirin dissolved in a little warm water and gargled takes down swelling and soreness. Doesn't taste good though. Sable's party sounded fun. I hope you are all better for Holly's. Love, Grandma Linda