Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New videos, new poll and new room

David has put more video on our Vimeo site, there's still more that he needs to put on.  He's working on it.  I see some of you have noticed the new baby poll.  In the beginning, I was thinking that it's a boy, now I'm starting to think it's a girl.  It's all a gut feeling, I really have no idea why.  I'll be exactly 20 weeks on Christmas Day so the gender determining ultrasound will happen just before then, and then we'll know.  David's been hard at work on Holly's room.  The biggest issue is the leftover electrical access boxes in there.  David is getting some help on rerouting and burying that stuff in the wall.  Most of the electrical in the main part of the house is more up to date, but there's been a lot of knob and tube remnants that any electrician would cringe at.  This weekend David is planning on going shopping for materials, he even put in an order for a door so it will be ready by the weekend.  If we're having a boy, I'll probably need to redecorate the nursery.  If we're having a girl, I won't need to change much at all.  But Holly's room comes first, David is roughly shooting for around Christmas time for Holly to get her new room.  That way she won't feel like she's getting kicked out of the nursery for the new baby.  She's getting to be such a big girl that it's probably time for a big girl bed anyway.

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