Monday, February 27, 2012

Baby clothes and approaching spring time

This weekend David got the car caught up on maintenance and picked up a can of paint for the nursery.  So we'll be gearing for that soon.  Keri came by and gave us a bunch of her overflow of little boy linens and clothes.  There's a lot of boys in their extended family so they get a ton of hand-me-downs, whereas in ours, there's a lot of girls.  Sounds like there will be more for us later.  While I was looking through the things Keri brought, it was funny to realize how small infant clothes were.  It made it a lot more real for us since we haven't gotten a thing for the baby yet, we'll wait till after the baby shower to fill in with what we need.  But, yes, he's going to be little and Holly will seem suddenly huge.  Holly had a pretty good weekend too.  She decided she didn't want to be carried around so much when we went to the mall so she did a lot of walking (running) on her own.  That's actually much easier on us.  Same thing happened at the grocery store only it was getting a little out of hand and halfway through shopping she went for a shoulder ride on daddy instead, but that's still easier than carrying her.  She remembered she liked helping us put things in the cart.  She's also eating much better now which is a relief for us.  We all went outside yesterday to do some yard work and filled up the green bin with a bunch of prunings.  Our vinca just started blooming last week and we've been seeing some signs of spring.  Like all those bulbs we planted in the fall are sprouting so hopefully we'll have tulips and daffodils this year.  The parsley, chives, rhubarb, irises and peony are on their way back in.  The primroses are blooming but only the purple ones.  Our candytuft is blooming too, the pansies have been blooming all winter long.  The lawn is starting to grow again, probably with all this rain we've been having. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

All sorts of stuff

I think I'm just about done with this sickness thing.  My ears are popping a lot when I yawn or swallow a beverage of some kind so the deafness comes and goes.  I feel like I'm talking inside a cave right now, at least I don't have any annoying perpetual ring tone.  But I guess I still have it in my voice because when I talk to people on the phone they say I sound like I have it.  It's just the lingerings, I feel fine.   I think my feet are swelling a little because it's like a have a case of the mad cat itchies on my feet right now.  Kind of weird.  My tummy is itching too but it's just getting bigger in general, that  makes sense.  I'll be using a lot of lotion to keep this itching under control because it is enough to keep me awake at night.  I got up at one o'clock in the morning to put on lotion it was driving me crazy enough.  There was more daycare closures due to President's Day so I stayed home with Holly which is fine since I was still recovering.  When we did our grocery shopping this weekend, I can't really just stand there and wait for the cashier to do their thing, it's really hard on my back.  So I sat in the furniture section at Fred Meyer.  Three different people asked me if I was okay.  I assured them if there was a problem I wouldn't be sitting on a couch in a store, I'd be somewhere else.  It's like I'm so big now, I'm offensively pregnant and people are compelled to ask just to make sure.  I got up to see how check out was going since I felt a little conspicuous after that.  We took Vader into the vet on Saturday to catch him up with all his shots and diabetic testing, food and insulin.  That's out of the way so now we'll get the car all caught up with maintenance, David's expecting that little light to come on any day now.  David got his eyes checked last week and I need to figure out when to do mine.  I've started a baby registry at Target and my sister Kelly will be sending out baby shower invitations this week, she's the one throwing it too.  My theme for the baby's room is 'pond', so froggies, turtles, dragonflies, snails, ducks, fish, mushrooms, etc. will all fit in.  Probably some of the items I'm really hoping for are the curtains and the bin (blue tapered tote) which I will use as a laundry basket.  I will be buying those things immediately after the baby shower if no one else buys them.  There's really no big ticket items though.  We need boy clothes and blankets and lots of the little things for a new baby.  I'll place a link on the blog.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Starting to feel better

Today I woke up breathing through both nostrils, it's been awhile.  It's so easy to take the little things for granted.  I find myself taking less Tylenol now so the sinus pressure has eased up a lot.  I still feel like I have cotton balls in my ears so my hearing is way worse than it normally is.  One of my ears popped last night while I was yawning so I can hear a little better out of it now.  I hate it when my ears pop, it always hurts.  The baby was really squirmy last night.  Cross-stitch is a hobby of mine and for some reason last night, the baby didn't like me cross-stitching.  When I just sat and relaxed he calmed down.  Hopefully he lets me finish his birth announcement.  I've been feeling amazingly tired lately, probably a combination of sick and pregnant.  Some baby books/websites say third trimester is at 27 weeks, some say 28 weeks.  I'm right in the mix at 27 weeks and 4 days today.  That might be another reason I'm so tired.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Wow...what started out to be not so bad of a cold turned out to be the worst cold I've ever had on record.  It started on the 4th and I saw my doctor on the 7th.  She said by the 9th I should start feeling better and when I didn't I called her.  I had a perpetual headache since the beginning but also all the bones in my face hurt, including my teeth, probably from all the sinus pressure I was experiencing.  Since I had zero breathability through my nose, not to mention all the grossness that it produced and a cough with grossness I was prescribed antibiotics.  I then started to feel better on the 10th but hadn't really slept since it all began so I took that day off because I was pretty twitchy.  After the introduction of antibiotics I started getting some sleep and showed signs of improvement.  Yesterday was the first time I got intermittent breathability through my nose and today I woke up without any pain in my face and teeth with a lot less coming out my nose and running clearer.  I don't think I've ever had sinus infection before, I would've remembered that.  But we stayed home all weekend and took it easy which probably helped my case.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Yesterday's OB Appointment

I had an OB appointment yesterday and everything is looking fine.  The doctor said I'm only 1 cm larger than average and I've been like that the whole time.  So as long as I don't blow too far past average I won't need any special tests.  It's been great that my blood pressure has been normal this whole time, it was totally a hassle last time when I was borderline.  Nothing happened with that anyways.  While she was checking his heartbeat he moved and it registered all sorts of noise.  The doctor gave me a list of stuff I could use to try to get through my cold symptoms enough so I can sleep.  Zinc, Afrin, Benedryl and a neti pot.  Neti pots are weird...I didn't think it would work, but it did.  So I slept about 3 hours last night, which is an improvement over zero on the two nights before that.  I'm totally exhasuted, but this junk needs to be removed from my throat in order for me to ever sleep properly again.

Monday, February 6, 2012

More colds

I stayed home with Holly on Thursday and Friday because she had gotten a fever to go with her cough.  By Friday night I started getting symptoms.  I was sick all weekend and today I feel pretty awful.  But that could be because I'm such a light sleeper that when I get this sick I don't matter how badly I need to.  So since it wouldn't do me any good to stay home I'm at work today.  I'm barricading myself in my desk to try and not get anyone else sick.  They can just literally throw it at me and keep their distance.  I'm feeling so much better about Holly since she finally ate food last night.  She hadn't eaten much of anything all last week, we figured it was because she must of had a sore throat.  We didn't have any problem getting fluids in her and she didn't throw up at all on this round of illness.  Since it was so nice this weekend I let her play in the yard and she was really excited about that.  She was in much better spirits this morning that she's back in daycare today.  The boat show is over now so David is really looking forward to the weekend, he will have worked 19 days straight.