Friday, July 6, 2012

End of Maternity Leave

So I go back to work on Monday and Johnny will join Holiday in daycare.  Holly does seem to like the new place and is adapting well.  I hope it won't take too long for Johnny to adjust to the changes as well.  And then there's me...I hope I adjust to the changes soon as well.  Things are completely different this time around.  I'll certainly miss time at home with baby John.  I hope he'll understand that mommy had to go back to work like daddy so we can cover bills and provide a good quality of life for him and his sister.  It will certainly make every moment with my family absolutely precious.  Johnny's growing so fast.  I already need to sort his clothes and get rid of the clothes he's already outgrown...because there's a lot.  I'd say we're to the point where he's grown out of most of the 3-6 months and is a solid 6 month size now.  But he won't be there for long and I anticipate him going to 6-9 month size soon.  He's wearing size 2 diapers currently but probably inside a month he'll be at size 3 I'm guessing.  That's just amazing to me since he'll be 2 months old tomorrow.  Holly was still in 0-3 month size at 2 months old.  Maybe it's because he sleeps so much that's he's growing like crazy.  I just turned 36 yesterday.  I got a foot massager foot bath.  When David asked Holly what to get me for my birthday she said a puppy.  But helping mommy blow out candles and having cake was enough excitement for her.

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