Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy!

We'll celebrate by having Sunday brunch this Sunday at the Ivar's Salmon House, but Daddy can have his presents tonight. ;) 

The Halloween report is that all went well.  The rain gave us enough of a break that we were able to do door to door trick-or-treating.  Holiday loved it... "Twick-o-tweat!" "Happy Halloween!" "Thank you!"  "You're wearing bunny ears!"  It just didn't get old.  Her jack-o-lantern basket got so heavy that she either had to carry it with two hands or pass it off to someone else to carry.  It was quite a haul for a 3 year old.  I've looked over every piece and not only do I think they're all save to eat, I think Toni and Drew neighbors give out pretty good candy.  There was only one tootsie roll in the bunch (man I hate those...they're like 'almost' candy).  Johnny was getting fussy towards the end but he's usually in bed for the night by then.  We were only out for an hour.  Johnny went to bed pretty well, Holly took a little convincing but it wasn't the worst.  She probably fell asleep within the hour.  In spite of David and I going to bed about the usual time, we overslept by a half hour this morning.  We're still pretty tired I guess, but we managed to kick it in gear and get out the door on time after having that initial wake up freak out moment.  We just have to move like crazy.  I don't think I could handle doing that very often.  Marie, our daycare lady, even had time this morning to sing David a Happy Birthday song.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

From now on Holiday will love Halloween! I wish I could go to Ivar's with you (good food).