Thursday, November 15, 2012

The balloon song and other kids' stuff

The other night Holly sang us the 'Balloon Song' (which is pronounced 'bawoon').  It's a song that Holly made up so it's absolutely fantastic.  It went on for several minutes and David even joined in.  Sometimes it required Holly running into the kitchen where I was at the time to incorporate mommy in the kitchen doing dishes, into her song.  We have our Christmas coo-coo clock up now so she's excited about that.  In one of Grandma Linda's recent packages she sent Johnny a giraffe teething toy that squeaks.  I pulled it out of the box and started squeaking it and Johnny turned around to see what the squeaking was and just had to have it.  He immediately bit it's face.  That was an instant hit if there ever was one.  We've been upping the tummy time because Johnny's been trying so hard to be able to crawl.  He either gets his front end up or the back end, has been unsuccessful to do both at the same time, but he's trying.  We can't just leave him in his cradle anymore because he can flip over in it now.  He doesn't move if he's asleep in there, otherwise we have to stick him in the saucer if we have to leave the room.  We're still practicing sitting up unassisted too.  Johnny's teeth have made a lot of progress coming down so I hope the actual cutting part is done.  He had a fever on Tuesday so I stayed home with him.  It was a long day of crying and napping with a few moments of happy baby time.  Thank Goodness we had Tylenol on hand.  His fever broke that night and for the last two nights he's slept through the night until I wake him up.  Woo-hoo!

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Oh, how I would love to hear Holly's balloon song! I'm so happy that Johnny likes his giraffe.

Mike sent pkg w/ornament and Wee Sing CD to Sure Marine (tho guy there wanted to spell it Shur. Makes sense though).