Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Johnny!

Mommy and Johnny hanging out at Grandma Linda's house.

Grandma Linda and Johnny.


Bath time at the hotel in Weed, CA.  Johnny looks like the Gerber baby.

Holiday rocking out.

Rocking out here...

...rocking out there.

Johnny ready for Holiday's birthday party to begin.

There's the birthday girl.

Here's a shot of the room and all the goodies.

Grandma and Grandpa and cousin Ayden.

Holiday with her friends from daycare.

This is how Holiday sleeps...with all her favorite things and lots of blankies.  The one she's wrapped up in there, is a blanket that I had at her age that one of my grandmas made for me.  It's incredibly comfortable.

Releve'...here's Holiday in her new birthday swimsuit.  She really, really likes it.

This weekend we had a small birthday party for Johnny with Grandma and Grandpa and the Prestons.  Johnny got a lot of cool toys and more summer clothes (which he really needed).  The weather was nice this weekend so we played in the back yard quite a bit.  Johnny likes sitting in the sand box and drumming shovels on buckets.  Since weather and traffic were in our favor we got my Mother's Day present early, which was a new rose bush that I planted in the back yard.  It's called 'Out of the Blue' which blooms blueish to magenta colored blossoms.  I need to finish planting my seeds by this weekend.  I have started quite a bit in my green house and I think that the zucchini is ready to be transplanted to its permanent location and the basil is doing really good too.  The romaine is under way but not nearly big enough.  I'm just starting to see celery and peppers going.  It's all an experiment, some seeds move quicker than others.  I still have a lot of weeding to do but I have enough done that I can at least plant my seeds.  And in other good news, I got a call yesterday that space just became available for Holiday to attend preschool in the fall at the place we wanted.  It's right by David's work so it's nice and close and we really like the place.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

I hate my pictures but love all the rest. Holly is such a good rocker!