Monday, May 20, 2013

Stand up and clap!

Daddy taught Johnny how to clap his hands this weekend.  That and high fives (and tens).  So now that's just the thing to do.  Holiday is enjoying Johnny's newly learnt skills as well.  We got a new slide that we can fold away out of sight for the kids and they LOVE it.  Johnny can climb all the way up on his own, he does need a spotter if he decides he wants to climb back down.  He's getting used to the sliding part.  David did a bunch of yard work this weekend and took down the rest of the over grown bushes.  It'll take a couple loads to cart it away.  Since it's been a year since he started working on the bushes they needed to be trimmed again but he did all the sides in one pass instead of several weeks which was the desired result.  He even trimmed up the Camilla in the front which was slowly encroaching on our front steps.  Then he did the weed wacking and mowing of the lawn like usual.  But that was a lot of work so the yard looks really good.  The weeds in the back yard are fairly under control and the seeds/seedlings are doing well for the most part.  Now the need has shifted to the front yard to do some pruning and weeding which is harder to get to since all the outside toys are better played with in the back yard so Holiday can hang out with me while I'm working.  Maybe I can get her to play with the sidewalk chalk so I can get to weeding in the front.  We went to Peyton's birthday party yesterday (little girl from Holiday's dance class), it was at the Bullwinkle's Fun Plex in Tukwila.  Holiday liked the bumper boats the best.  She also liked winning tickets from playing games and getting a prize for it.  We'll keep that place in mind for future birthdays.  We played in the back yard a little when we got home and while Johnny was in the middle of the grass he stood up all on his own.  We in turn all clapped including Johnny, then Holiday charged Johnny and gave him a great big hug for it.  He did it several times (yes with clapping), he even took a couple tiny baby steps.  I'm counting it.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Wow! So proud of Johnny's accomplishments. He's a super little boy with a super big sister. Your yard sounds pretty, take a picture of it.