Friday, September 20, 2013

Mommy News

Everyone is over our colds now, so that's good news.  I've also stopped breastfeeding Johnny and he seems to be doing fine without it.  I've been enjoying wearing regular bras and not having to wear nursing clothes anymore.  I bought some new jeans just because I haven't lost enough of the baby weight to get into my pre-pregnancy clothes yet.  I finally received my splint in the mail to rehab my diastasis recti (tummy issue).  I had been doing the exercises for my abs while I was waiting for it.  The 'gap' down the middle of my abs is measured by fingertip widths, probably because you can literally feel it.  My gap before I got started was about 6 fingertip widths.  That probably sounds awful and I assure you it was weird to feel it there but let me continue to the good part.  I actually reduced the gap to 4 fingertips before I even got the splint on Tuesday.  So Tuesday night I got set up on the splint, you have to wear it at night too.  You lose a lot of your flexibility and I did feel pretty stiff the next morning.  The thought is to think of it like wearing a cast.  You wouldn't take your cast off to go to bed, would you?  I'm going to have excellent posture when this is all done.  On Thursday night I took off the splint to change my clothes and took the opportunity to check the gap again.  IT WAS COMPLETELY CLOSED!  Two days of wearing a splint (mind blown).  The program I'm on takes 6 weeks to complete so I'm taking it all the way through to the end to make sure the abs go where they're supposed to go and they stay there.  To add to my little dance of joy here, because my abs are now moving in the right direction I've lost 2 inches off my waist in a week. HAHAHA!  Take THAT diastasis recti.

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