Monday, April 6, 2009

39 Weeks - Same old thing

Yep...all those people who bet money on the weekend lost. I really don't think it'll happen today either. I'm not feeling anything new from last week...just Braxton Hicks contractions, indigestion, sleeplessness, hip pain and generally tired. But I've BEEN that way for a while now. I can feel that she's squiggling around in there, but she's running out of room. I think we've got everything done, but I feel like I'm forgetting something. Did our classes, finished the nursery, bags are it's the waiting game. I haven't really been nesting yet, I'm too tired. David and I were out for an hour in the yard on Saturday since it was so nice out so we got some of the weeds out, but there's tons left to do. It kind of bothers me that I can't get out there and do it. I'll just have to pick at it I guess. :)

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

I know that by the end it seems like you have been pregnant forever! You'll get your energy back after a while. Every day we're waiting for that wonderful call!