Wednesday, April 15, 2009

40 weeks OB Appointment

Well, we had our OB appointment yesterday and everything's going swimmingly. My doctor did mention a cervix scraping if I wanted one. There'd be a 50% chance I'd go into labor within 3 days if I had it done and it would be painful if I did it. So I needs to have better odds than that if it's going to be painful. I'm not that desperate yet. Cervix scraping...who's bright idea was that. It sounds root canal. Since everything checked out, there won't be much discussion about inducing for some time. So I'll just be getting bigger in the meantime until Holly punches the go button.


ChellyChell said...

Wow, a cervix scraping sign me up today!!! NOT!!!! You chose well not to get one. Let Holiday come when she wants to. It looks like she is going to come when she is good and darn ready anyway.

Jennifer J. said...

I agree with Michelle. That sounds like a really crappy way to start labor. There are more fun things that can be done. However, I think Holiday will come when she is darn good and ready, and not one minute sooner. Kids are just like that, they do stuff when they want to.

Tom said...

I love you guys!!!. I am so glad Holi is here. I loved your phone message. You have that magic in your voice. Make sure you call if there is something you need. I will be calling tomorrow and checking in after you get home. Tell me how much time you two plan to take off and a little about your extended schedule. Love love love