Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Life at Home

Wow...it still feels surreal to me, we have a little baby girl. And she's so cute. So far we've been managing, it is a learning process for all three of us. :) My stomach doesn't hurt so much now, but it's still a tender moment to get up from sitting or lying down. Holiday is absolutely perfect. I'm not sure what her hair color will settle on being, it's seems to change a little every day. Her eyes are blue for now. David is the ultimate husband and father. He's amazingly helpful and supportive, even though he caught a cold from the hospital, he hasn't missed a beat. Breastfeeding is pretty difficult but we're making it work. I think we need to set a schedule because Holly seems to sleep all day and has a hard time sleeping at night. Jury's still out on the cloth diapers, I'm not exactly sold that they're as great as cloth diaper people say they are, we'll see. It's definitely nice to be home now, no one's poking the baby and waking her up. Holly gets her first check up tomorrow.


simona said...

Congrats on baby holly, she is so beautiful!!! glad all is goin good. enjoy the baby days they grow up to fast. take care

ChellyChell said...

Hi Jenny, David and Holiday;

It's been a while since I've seen anyone. Hopefully we can schedule a time to get together soon. I'd like to see all three of you together. Enjoy the baby days.

