Monday, March 30, 2009

38 Weeks Down...2 to go

I'm definitely feeling like I'm in the red zone now. I've been getting up earlier just because I can't lie down for very long any more. I get about a half to a full hour of sleep in bed before I need to get up because my hips are killing me. If I sleep sitting up on the couch I get about 2 hours ... much more comfortable, but then it's my bladder that usually wakes me up. It sounds bad but actually it's not too big a deal. I've been an insomniac for a very long time, 5-6 hours is normal for me and I've been down to 2 hour bursts since the beginning of my third trimester. Good practice for nighttime feedings right? :) My hands and feet (and a little on my face) swell up some, I find warm baths help that. As long as I don't swell up inside my wedding ring I'm okay, my shoes are still functional. I wasn't expecting my fingers to swell up out of joint in my sleep though, I just pop them back into place. It feels like pregnancy arthritis. Again...that all started at the beginning of my third trimester and has gathered speed since. I think Holly had another growth spurt yesterday because I napped on the couch a lot. Or I just needed the sleep because I had a headache. Or both. :) I haven't had any contractions just yet, just Braxton Hicks and I don't always notice those. She's moving around a lot less, probably because she's running out of room and Mommy's ribcage only has so much give. All in all...I feel fine. I little tired but I've always been a little tired. These pesky little symptoms are merely worth noticing, but not too bad really. I'm expecting the real pain later at birth.

P.S. My mom told me a story about my great great grandma giving birth to my great grandma on her bear rug when she lived in the Canandian wilderness only to pick herself up, do the rest of her chores and take care of the rest of her kids along with the brand new I don't have a right to complain do I? :)


Tom said...

I am so excited. I love you guys. This is it!!!!

Tom said...

Andrea and/or I will come when you need (all at once!??? NOT!). Call when the action starts.