Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Back in the groove of things

I just decided that I could probably squeeze in the time to post on the baby's blog again. It's taken awhile to feel normal again...but things are going well. All of Holiday's doctor's appointments and mine have looked good. I officially don't have to have another doctor's appointment for a year. Woo-hoo! I heal slowly but completely so I still have a little pain left, mostly if I have to bend down really far. It's not bad, it just hasn't let me forget yet. Holly on the other hand will have quite a few appointments for her shots and stuff. She's learned all sorts of stuff already...interlacing of fingers (she'll probably be a button-pusher), how to grip stuff, she's been doing a breathy sort of coo but as of yesterday she's been jabbering, she has pretty good neck control, she pretty much wrote the book on huge gummy smiles and last Sunday she learned how to shake her head 'no' in response to a question from Daddy. So now everyone has to watch themselves she's begun her mimicing phase. Holiday's grown quite a bit, she's in the size 2 diapers but still in the 0-3 months clothes. I suspect that those outfits will be on their way out. With her reddish hair she looks good in soft pinks, yellows, and sage greens, but I'm all about color so I'll dress her in everything we have. We had another round of portraits done which we should get back mid-July. This time you can see her big blue eyes. I've gone back to work working two days from home and two in the office with Fridays off. Keri's been babysitting for us on the days that I go in which has been a ginormus help to us. I use those Fridays to catch up on domestic-type things (or sleep). I'm still breastfeeding her which was really hard at first, now we're both better at it. We're making mental notes of places with facilities for nursing mommies and are generally baby friendly. Holiday is sleeping pretty well through the night now...thank God. She usually goes back to sleep after her first morning feeding. Late morning and early afternoon is her prime time, then she can get tired and cranky. She's a morning person! We're not sure how that happened.
I'll try to post as often as I can.

1 comment:

Jennifer J. said...

I am glad that you are feeling up to posting again. I like to see the pictures and stuff. She just gets cuter every time I see her. She really looks a lot like David, with a bunch of Jenny sprinkled in. You guys must be so proud of her, she is a lovely child. Laters.....