Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Funny Stuff

Now Holiday has the ability to choose. We went to a toy store on Saturday and we held up two toys for her to look at. It was either the brown flat rat or the pink flat elephant (aka flatephant). Her eyes shifted between the two and rested on the flatephant with the biggest, happiest gummy smile you ever saw. :) I put the toys down and brought them back up for her to look at again with the same result. It was clear we had a winner and it was too cute. We call it pink baby now and she absolutely loves it. Occasionally she laughs, her daddy picked up on it last week. I didn't hear too good on the first time so I wasn't sure. I caught it later in the week and guess what? It's just how I laughed as a baby...or so I'm told. It's a gasping sort of laugh that usually scared the hell out of my parents because they thought I was choking. I'm willing to bet that it's going to freak someone out at some point. heehee

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Happy 3 month birthday, Holiday. Who knew you would adore a flat pink elephant? I'm going to have to ask Mommy and Daddy for input in toys for you, because I have no clue what's hot these days. Here in Kern County the economy is so poor thst the libraries are really cutting hours and personnel. Wasco Library will only be open two days a week (down from four).