Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Whew! To me, 80 degrees is too hot. 90+ is just obscene and hateful. Holly doesn't like it either, we've had a couple rough nights because of it. The good thing is that Holly seems to know that when she's in the crib that it's time to sleep, so just the evenings are touch and go. Mornings are when she's happiest. I'm starting to lean towards the idea of getting an AC for the living room in addition to the one we have in the bedroom. This morning our living room only cooled down to 81 degrees. We keep the bedroom door closed at night so the AC works pretty well on the bedroom and the nursery. So when we get up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, you get hit with the wall of heat. Holly will probably spend more time out of clothes and more baths to keep her cooled down. This morning we found that she had kicked off all her blankets during the night, happily sleeping in just diapies.


Jennifer J. said...

I agree with you completely. I don't like it when it gets much above 70, let alone 90+. Landon has spent much of the last week in just his skivies also. Good luck staying cool.

gramlinda said...

I feel for you!! As hot as it gets here, I've never felt as uncomfortable as by the coast in over 80 degree weather. Must be the humidity. Cool down as best you can. Love, Grandma Linda