Saturday, January 30, 2010

Holiday is feeling better

She was all smiles, baby-talk and playtime today. Holly didn't want naptime today though, she just wanted to play. So when bedtime rolled around, she was O-U-T. I've caught her cold now. Mostly it's just a sore throat, feeling tired from lack of sleep actually feels worse than the cold. I'm hoping David doesn't get it as the Seattle Boat Show is in full swing and his place of business is always crazy busy whether you're at the show or at the shop. On a happier note, Holly said "Kitty" again today and she's pretty good at clapping her hands now. She's on the brink of either crawling or standing up to walk. Holiday does pretty well at scootching on her bottom to where she needs to go.

p.s. I thought polka-dots was a nice change. :)

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Love the polka dots! I'm so glad Holly is feeling better, but hate that you are sick. I know that David needs rest (if with baby that's even possible) to do all that boat show business. I'm thinking of all of you. Love, Grandma Linda