Monday, March 26, 2012

Sable's Birthday Party

On Saturday, we went to Sable's birthday party at the Seattle Aquarium.  Most of the group was following Sable's speed throughout, but Holiday was just as tenacious as ever and is clearly in control of her destiny.  So we tried to check in with the main group as much as possible while Holly led David and I around the Aquarium.  She really liked to touch the tide pool critters, it was hard to get her to use one finger, she wanted to splash so badly.  Holly had fun playing in killer whale exhibit (no killer whales actually there).  I think her favorite part was seeing the Harbor seals, one of them got out of the water to sun himself, she liked that.  We got to see a little of the otters being fed.  Those guys are vicious eaters, keep all limbs out of the way if there's a hungry otter in the vicinity.  Then we had lunch in the cafe there which the food was actually pretty good.  Then we had birthday cupcakes and party favors.  Holiday can't get enough cupcakes, we had to watch her so she wouldn't jack a second cupcake.  She also thoroughly enjoyed the bubbles amongst the party favors.  The weather was perfect too so it was a really great weekend.

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