Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Surgeon Appointment Yesterday

We had a consultation appointment yesterday with the doctor that will be my surgeon.  Basically, we were able to ask a bunch of questions and I'm still convinced I should go the route of the C-section even though I've been told I'd be a good candidate for a VBAC.  So at 35 weeks I can schedule a C-section date, at 38 weeks I go in for a pre-op appointment and sign all the necessary papers, and sometime during week 39 (May 7th - 11th) I go in for my C-section.  In the meantime I'll continue seeing my regular doctor for my OB appointments which I have an OB appointment today at 4:30 pm.  I suspect my appointments will start running every other week after today.

Also, we bought new shoes for Holiday last weekend since she's gone up a size so I've updated her sizes and clothing counts on the blog for everyone's information.  Oh yeah, and I got my hair cut last weekend.  It was getting too much so it's pretty short right now, but I'm much more comfortable.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Love the name! I'll probably use Johnny too. I totally understand your decision to have a c-section.
Love, Grandma Lindaem