Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Week 33 OB Appointment

I had an OB appointment yesterday and now I'm wearing compression socks to combat the swollen ankles and feet.  It's keeping the itching to a minimum so I'm thankful for that.  My belly did grow from 31 cm to 35 cm in a span of two weeks so that will be watched carefully to make sure Johnny doesn't get to big for my britches.  My doctor's 95% sure everything is normal, but if I have another belly burst she'll have us do another ultrasound to make sure Johnny has enough room.  If he does...fine, if not, we may need to get him out early.  But it sounds like there's only a small chance of that happening.  We'll find out which direction to take on our next OB appointment which is April 9th.

1 comment:

Keri Hills said...

Oh no! I hope everything stays okay and he's not too early!