Monday, July 16, 2012

Another Lovely Weekend

I purposely didn't plan anything for us to do this last weekend being my first week back at work, I knew we were all going to be tired.  I think we have our workday routine established now.  It helps a lot if Holiday wakes up in fairly a good mood.  It's so much easier to have her shadowing us around the house chattering away than fussing and refusing to cooperate.  None of us are really morning people anyway so we understand.  She's been doing better lately.  Most of the time Johnny snoozes while we're all getting ready, today he was awake just watching all the bustle action.  Since there were so many construction closures, festivals and tons of traffic on what was left, we decided to stay close to home this weekend.  We did go to the local wading pool and it was nice.  Just a handfull of kids there and they were well behaved and very nice.  They let Holly play with their toys and gave her a birthday cupcake.  Holly also played a lot on the playground there.  She figured out how to climb up the ladder, going down was trickier.  She was getting stuck on the slide until some of the kids who were wet from the wading pool went down on them and got them all slicked up.  Then she'd fly right down and off the end.  It's okay though, the ground is padded all around the playground area.  David did some more work on the backyard bushes.  He's about halfway through that long stretch and he made a point of ripping out all the nightshade he could find.  Don't want any of that around with kids.  Holly and I transplanted the pumpkin starts from the greenhouse into the ground last week.  I also taught her how to water them.  She picked up on that quickly and made sure that every plant got a drink.  Hopefully we'll get some pumpkins out of them for fall.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

It does sound lovely!