Monday, October 22, 2012

Another usual weekend

We pretty much had ourselves a standard Anderson family weekend, which is great.  Holiday's dance class started tap this last lesson and the teacher specifically told us that Holly did really well and she was really pleased with her.  While Holly was having her lesson, Mommy was getting a driving lesson from Daddy.  He said I did well, I'm sure I need tons of practice still, but I felt far less freaked out.  So hopefully I'll start feeling comfortable with it soon.  Our van is new enough that everything is able to adjust to my size which helps a lot.  Johnny is spitting up a lot lately but I pretty much attribute that to teething.  It seems like he wants to move around more, like he's just going to get up and walk, so maybe he'll start crawling soon.  He does this thing where he stiffens his body if he doesn't want to sit on your lap.  He's much more grabby lately, so watch your hairs including facial ones.  Oh and earrings too.  Johnny is very interested in his environment so if he hears a noise coming from somewhere he contorts himself so he can try to see what it is making the noise.  If he's on my lap and I'm talking he stretches his head back to look at me.  If he's in his cradle in the living room he'll stretch around to see cartoons or football or whatever on tv, the same thing if anyone is playing behind him too.  Or even coming in the front door, it's pretty funny to see.  He also laughs really hard if anyone says, "Beep! Beep!"  David and I got yardwork done like we usually do.  My pumpkins are still really green, so I cut them off the vines and put them in my greenhouse.  They were orange on the bottom where they were against the ground so they probably need to get warmed up. 

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

I always loved gardening, but you live in a great climate to really explore it. I think you could do great things!