Friday, October 19, 2012

Remlinger Farms Pictures

Silly Mommy
Silly Daddy...I admit Daddy was way funnier than Mommy.  This one got giggles from Holly.
Holly on the train after eating a donut.
Some of the grounds from our seats in the train.
There were scarecrows everywhere.
Here's a shot of the locomotive.
Mommy on the train!
Johnny was really enjoying chewing on his jacket.
Looks like he already chewed out the zipper pull.
Some horses while we're on the train.
I never seen so many scarecrows in my life.
You don't many scarecrows.
More grounds.
There was a lot to see from the train.
Even alpacas.
Now we're in the barn.
Little goat.
Holiday loved that merry-go-round.
Did that three times.
This is the canoe ride.
She had a lot of fun with that one too.
Holiday on Coconut.
She really liked the pony ride.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Just love Snow White! It looked like a good time was had by all and the farm was very pretty.