Monday, October 8, 2012

Much needed photos

At Renton River days...little bit cranky.

...but she liked the ducks.

At Zootunes, we were there for Los Lobos.

Johnny did not like those headphones.  That's one of his favorite toys.

Holly had fun with Daddy at the arts and crafts tent.

When Holly asks to hold Johnny this is what it usually looks like.

And now she's a cowgirl/ballerina...what? they don't have those?

It must of been really hot that day for Daddy to get in the pool.  I'm thinking this was Seafair weekend because when the heat was the worst.

Holly didn't even want to put clothes back on.

And neither did Johnny.

He such a cute little pudgling.
Yes...we do possess pictures.  We've been ridiculously busy/ know...infant...toddler.  That mixed in with colds and teething and family drama over the past two months, downloading pictures tends to become less of a priority.  Despite the busy day yesterday Daddy managed to squeeze it in.  We saw the Prestons on Friday night for dinner.  When Holly saw Anna she squealed for joy while pumping her fists, it was sooooo funny.  Then in turn the Prestons invited us to go to NW Trek yesterday since they had some coupons for it that were about to expire.  I haven't been there since I was 9, I only remembered the tram.  Everyone had a great time and it was perfect weather for it.  The kids did great.  Holly enjoyed seeing the animals in the display areas and in the tram and she enjoyed her Anna again.  That's all we heard about this morning was how much she wanted to see Anna.  

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Love the pictures!! Holly is pretty as always and Johnny has changed and is so big. The animal pics are wonderful, too.