Monday, October 15, 2012

More pictures and Remlinger Farms

Daddy and Johnny hanging out.
Johnny's happy place...on Mommy's tummy.
YES!YES!YES! Holly loves to paint.
First ballet class.  This is what a fake 'fall down' looks like.
This is a confidence builder exercise.  The teacher has the girls take turns standing up, saying their name, hold old they are and to sing a song.
First position.
It's a pretty impressive space for a small operation.
Mommy and the kids.
Johnny in the saucer.
Close can see the extent of the drool.
Gotta have's just too cute.
I've almost caught up on the pictures. I still got a bunch so I'll continue to post them in doses.  This was the first week that Holly and her classmates did their dance lesson without parents watching.  I think they did okay once the door was closed and they realized they had to pay attention.  I was waiting for her when her class was over and suddenly I heard a stampede heading towards the door.  The door flies open to about 7 little 3 year old girls bursting through all going, "Mommy! Mommy!" with big smiles on their faces.  I was cracking up.  We went to Remlinger Farms right after that.  It was described as the disneyland of pumpkin patches and I quite agree.  I recommend it for kids ages 1-6, maybe even a little older depending on the kid.  What I liked about it was there was a gate charge of $15 and you do as much or as little as you wanted without getting nickel and dimed.  So Holly rode the merry-go-round a couple times and the canoe ride saw a lot of action.  The whole family rode the small train, the four of us fit easily in one of the train cars, and it was a real steam engine, just little.  It's on a figure eight track and you can see all the animals and a lot of the grounds and even go through a tunnel.  We did that twice.  There was a car ride that the whole family did together, they were the kind of cars back in the day of model-A although I don't think I'm entirely accurate on that.  I had Holly ride in front since she normally doesn't get to view the world from the front seat yet.  But the course it was on was beautifully landscaped, being an amateur gardener myself I was very impressed.  There was lots of other stuff like the animal barn, feeding the chickens, riding ponies with food names (Holly's was named Coconut), playing in the sandbox with diggers, the haymaze.  We had lunch at the burger shack and checked out the store and the market.  Maybe next year we can do more...we didn't even glance at their cornmaze and there's few things that Holly isn't tall enough for yet.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

I've got the most beautiful, smartest grandchildren in the world! Sorry other grandmoms, but you can claim the same. Oh, I also had amazing children and my son chose a great wife and mother. Of course David is also a super dad!