Wednesday, October 17, 2012

More pretty pictures

Little pudgy owl Johnny in front of the owl exhibit at NW Trek with Ellie.  There's an owl in the window at the peak of the structure.
Little girl owl Holiday
Mommy, Ellie and Johnny on the tram.  Holiday and Anna behind us.  Toni and Drew behind them.
Picnic time!
Johnny's playing with Uncle Drew.
Ellie and Anna with Holiday in the middle.
Thar's a bear! Whar? Thar.
Coyote?  Wolves are bigger right?  Man it's been a long time since 5th grade.
More critter close ups...they really do blend in on the wider shots, it's like 'Where's Waldo?' sometimes.
Mountain lion? Cougar?  Seriously, it's been awhile.
That badger looked so bored.
The raccoons were slightly more lively.
Very impressive were the eagles.
This is fun little step structure, I remembered that from when I was a kid.  Here I'm pointing out a baby squirrel to Holly.
Anna took very good care of Holly that day.
Just a note to our public...I was getting some spam comments on the blog so now I'm moderating the comments.  So don't worry, you may comment away.  Basically the way it works is now I'll get an email expressing that someone wants to post a comment and I have to check yes or no.  So it's just a matter of when I check my personal email and then it will get posted.  That means if either of kids are awake or I'm working it could be a good while, so don't panic, I'll get to it eventually.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Don't worry, mountain lions and cougars are different names for the same animal (puma, too). I love these pics.