Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Growing Kids...and colds

We have, since declaring Holly size 4T, added size 4T clothes in her clothing cue, but it seems more obvious now than ever that she's growing up.  Her nightgowns are more like nightshirts and her dresses like long shirts, but we usually put leggings or pants underneath during this colder weather.  So we really need to phase out the 3T stuff and bring in more 4T.  Even her dance teacher remarked how grown up she is now compared to two months ago.  And now we are declaring Johnny size 12 months.  He can still fit the 9 months stuff, the sleeves and pant legs are too short.  But I'm going to wait to do any clothing shopping till after Christmas since they might get some clothes for Christmas and we're just way too busy right now to squeeze that in.  And yes...cold season has returned.  The daycare called yesterday and had David pick up Johnny since he felt hot and wouldn't take a bottle.  We think he was fine and just needed his nose cleared of yuckiness so he could breathe and thus receive milk.  David was able to get 14 ounces in him before I got home and didn't feel hot at all.  Maybe after efforts to get him to take a bottle he got frustrated and that set him crying and that usually gets him a little hot.  Regardless, he cooled down and was fine.  I fed him solid food and he nursed last night and this morning like he usually does.  Johnny is sneezing now so that helps get the yuckiness out.  It's more pleasant to wipe his face than to use the snot sucker on him.  Holly has a cold too, but is old enough now to cope just fine.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Hope everyone will be well for Christmas. John T. is one big little man!lmonumen