Monday, March 2, 2009

34 Weeks Update - post Baby Shower

David emailed me today that our 3D baby icon is now revolving upside down (with exclamation points!!!) I'm pretty sure our baby seat will be installed in the car tonight. :) I knew something was going on in there, my tummy surface has the appearance of rippling waves at times. You can definitely see the movement now.

The baby shower was awesome, my mom was the hostess and my sister Kelly helped quite a bit. The venue was great, BJ's Brewhouse and Restaurant. Everyone (except for some picky nieces) liked the food. It was great to see everyone, there was only a couple of no-shows. David and I came home with a lot of super cute baby stuff. I'll be going through our registry soon and delete the items that we don't want to duplicate. We'll fill in a couple of items ourselves, especially the long-term solution on keeping the cat out of the nursery, so either a door or a tall baby gate. So now I need to do some organization in the nursery, send out a bunch of Thank you cards and somewhere in the cracks finish those darn curtains (I'm actually pretty close to finishing them).

I can really tell I'm fast approaching the red zone here because I'm becoming increasingly more uncomfortable. I get up pretty early on the weekends because I can't spend a whole lot of time in any position anymore. I'm hoping if I can get some naps in that will help. I also am getting heartburn much more often, but Tums work for that. I took an epson salt soak in the bathtub last night and that seemed to help with the aches and pains. I think I was achy yesterday from all the sitting I did the day before in fairly hard chairs. I didn't spend a whole lot of time on my cushy couch as a result, thus the achy hips, legs and feet. My blood pressure seems to be holding in the normal range pretty well though. We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon so we'll keep everyone posted on our progress.

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