Monday, January 30, 2012

"Woe is me!"

We made it through the first weekend of the boat show.  David's pretty tired.  I did manage to get some chores done this weekend.  I cleaned the nursery so now it can be painted to look like a boy's room.  I'm pretty tired today though so it might be a couple days before I get back to my To-Do list.  I'm really surprised at how much I'm getting done because I have serious pregnant brain right now.  I'm having trouble remembering phone numbers, I had to look up my password at work the other day.  Dude!  So on most weekdays if the dishes and laundry are done I consider it a victory, everything else is bonus.  So since I got most of the house swept and mopped this weekend I feel pretty good about myself.  Grandma Claudia came to visit Holly and I on Saturday, that helped pass the day while David was working.  Yesterday Holly was watching golf with me.  She gets really tense when the ball is struck to see if it will go in the hole or not and if it doesn't make it she says, "Oh NO!!" in the most devastating way possible.  Once the ball landed in the water and she said, "Oh dear...woe is me!"  It took me about a minute to get some control after that one I laughed so hard.  David and I don't say that so she must have picked that up at daycare.  It seems like her cold bounced back and she has a big time cough, hopefully she'll feel better soon.  Her spirits are pretty good, she's just extra snuggly right now.  I had to buy a pregnancy belt for extra support.  I feel better already.  I don't need it while I'm sitting, actually it's uncomfortable if I'm just sitting.  But if I'm getting exercise, running errands or simply running all over the house it's a tremendous help. 

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