Friday, January 20, 2012

Yep...still dealing with snow

I stayed home with Holly yesterday and David's staying home with her today.  The main roads and freeways are pretty well plowed clear now (I think they caught up with that last night), now it's all the residential streets that are sloppy.  Until that clears up the school busses will have difficulty getting around, thus closing the school district.  So here's wishing for lots of rain.  We have a neighbor that regularly checks the storm drain on our corner for clogging so we're in good shape as far as urban flooding goes.  Yesterday we had some freezing rain, which was weird, followed by a dusting of snow.  Rainier Beach is in a little warm-wet convergence zone so we usually get the least amount of snow and the most amount of rain when either happens.  I heard Olympia got about 18 inches and we got about 4 inches of snow.  Pretty big difference and not terribly far from us.  Today the route to work was about 95% plowed clear, David said coming home last night none of the main streets in our neighborhood had been plowed yet and he ran into every jackknifed metro bus in Seattle...well, practically.  So it took him a little bit longer to get home.  Today looks better as long as all the slush that's forming doesn't become a problem.  Everybody check their neighborhood storm drains!

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