Monday, April 2, 2012

Post Baby Shower News

There was a great turnout at the baby shower with only a few cancellations due to illness and flooding.  My sister Kelly did a great job and everything was awesome.  One of the games was a purse scavenger hunt with a list of items to find.  Everyone was divided into teams and Holy Moses......did they ever get to work finding items on the list.  Some of them must of thought they were being timed but they weren't.  It was hilarious, Kelly and I were cracking up.  We made the list the night before, all of the items had been in our own purses at one time or another.  Apparently I'm the only one that carries pepper spray.  That's too bad, it was a 10 pointer.  But everyone carries coupons.  The team that won was my step-mom Judy, step-aunt Barb, and my step-brother Travis's fiance Courtney.  The prize was various beauty items from Victoria's Secret.  Then there was the on-going 'Don't say 'Baby'' game which was pretty tough.  My cousin Ashley won that one and the prize was a purse in honor of the purse game.  I got a lot of baby clothes, which I really needed, plus a lot of practical stuff like wipes, diapers, etc.  I was at least able to get everything out of tags and packaging but I still have to wash everything which will be this week's task along with writing Thank You cards.  I was able to finish fitting Grandma Linda's curtains in the nursery which turned out great.  The nursery is pretty much decorated now, I'll need to sort through stuff in the basement and bring up some of the items retired from Holiday's infancy.  So we had a big step forward and we tie up some loose ends.

P.S.  Keri had Cliff yesterday, click on her link to get the play by play.  The sound like they're doing great.

1 comment:

Keri Hills said...

It was a great baby shower!